Anna Dominoes Millinery

Vintage inspired, costume and modern millinery

2014 Graduate show at Kensington and Chelsea College

Tess AlexanderComment

The most recent graduates of KCC’s reknowned HNC in Millinery showed their work at the graduate show in June, featuring five or six pieces from each of 11 students. Here’s my pick of the work on show. All photos © Anna Dominoes

L-R Clare Hodgkin, Anna Hako, Elena Shvab

L-R Clare Hodgkin, Anna Hako, Elena Shvab

L-R Sarah Jones, Molly Blacknell, Kyu Eun Park

L-R Sarah Jones, Molly Blacknell, Kyu Eun Park

L-R Satsuki Nakagawa, Valeria Marquisa

L-R Satsuki Nakagawa, Valeria Marquisa

L-R Rachel Sperling, Marie Coigns, Michael Kenneth Wood

L-R Rachel Sperling, Marie Coigns, Michael Kenneth Wood